Who we are

One of the largest poultry companies in Brazil.

Present nationwide and exporting to over 70 countries, we combine tradition and innovation to produce the best chicken protein.

Vibra's portfolio shows that our quality-based products result from our culture of excellence and the strict process control from our farms to the supermarkets. It also results from our experience in poultry farming and food production. That is why we are among the largest private chicken exporters in Brazil.



One of the only Brazilian companies in the segment with a complete production chain, Vibra is a specialist from field to retail. It is responsible for using resources and the environment, acting ethically, valuing and respecting people, and contributing to economic development.

Vibra's offices are constantly being upgraded and expanded through process improvement and the continuous search for and use of its segment's most advanced global technologies. Its integrated production system is strategically distributed across three Brazilian states, comprising farms, hatcheries, laboratories, feed mills, slaughterhouses, and an international business unit in Dubai. It also has the Vibra Innovation Centre (CIV), located at the company's headquarters in Montenegro, Rio Grande do Sul, and a specialized logistics chain with national and international experience to serve all markets with excellence.
Innovation Center

The partnership with Tyson Foods began in 2020 and is both a historical milestone and a new starting point. Vibra is now side by side with one of the largest animal protein producers in the world.

The exchange of knowledge between the companies is a mutual benefit: sharing technologies, research data, and insights into consumer trends creates opportunities to expand and develop new markets. Vibra and Tyson Foods are expanding their global reach, bringing innovative and quality products to even more consumers.
Learn about Tyson Foods
An Alliance Shaping Tomorrow
An Alliance Shaping Tomorrow

Achievements and


We have been acknowledged for our work and excellence in production.

Learn about our Governance model and Innovation Center, which allow us to achieve new things daily.
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